- Accidents and other special sounds
- Acid jazz
- Acid jazz
- Acid jazz
- Action in the front line, life on the front
- Adolescents, indoors
- Adolescents, outdoors
- Adults
- Africa
- Afro-Cuban music
- Afro-Cuban music
- Afro-Cuban music
- Agriculture, extraction
- Agriculture, manual
- Agriculture, mechanised
- Air and steam
- Air raid alarms
- Air raids
- Airplanes, jet
- Airplanes, propelled
- Airports
- Alarm vehicles
- Alarms and detection devices
- Albazo
- Albazo
- Albazo
- Aliwen
- Aliwen
- Aliwen
- Ambient
- Ambient
- Ambient
- Ambient jazz
- Ambient jazz
- Ambient jazz
- Ambulances
- Amphibious tanks
- Amusement parks
- Animal husbandry
- Animal husbandry
- Animal sports
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals, compilations
- Animated rhythms
- Anti-aircraft guns
- Anti-armour guns
- Ants, caterpillar and other crawling sounds
- Arabesk
- Arabesk
- Arabesk
- Art
- Art galleries
- Artillery, field artillery, coast artillery
- Asia
- Assault rifles
- Audience and applause
- Australia, New Zealand, Oceania
- Auto and shipping industries
- Auto rallies
- Automatic musical instruments
- Automatic pistols
- Automobiles, diesel, from inside
- Automobiles, diesel, from outside
- Automobiles, gasoline, from inside
- Automobiles, gasoline, from outside
- Autumn forests
- Avalanches
- Aviation
- Ayarachi
- Ayarachi
- Ayarachi
- Ayataki
- Ayataki
- Ayataki