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  2. R: 104 terms
  1. Radio and television
  2. Radio communications
  3. Radio/TV programs
  4. Ragtime
  5. Ragtime
  6. Ragtime
  7. Rai
  8. Rai
  9. Rai
  10. Rail transportation
  11. Railway yards
  12. Rain
  13. Rain on cloth and platic
  14. Rain on glass surfaces
  15. Rain on gravel and stone
  16. Rain on metal surfaces
  17. Rain on terrain
  18. Rain on water
  19. Rain on wooden surfaces
  20. Rain pipes and eaves
  21. Raindrops
  22. Rap
  23. Rap
  24. Rap
  25. Rapid-fire rifles
  26. Rapids
  27. Rattling and booming
  28. Rautalanka (Finnish Surf)
  29. Rautalanka (Finnish Surf)
  30. Rautalanka (Finnish Surf)
  31. Realistic-sounding sounds and soundscapes
  32. Rebetiko
  33. Rebetiko
  34. Rebetiko
  35. Recitation/poetry/oral poetry
  36. Redoble
  37. Redoble
  38. Redoble
  39. Reggae
  40. Reggae
  41. Reggae
  42. Reggaeton
  43. Reggaeton
  44. Reggaeton
  45. Reindeer sleighs
  46. Religion
  47. Religion
  48. Religion
  49. Religion
  50. Religion
  51. Religion
  52. Religion
  53. Religious songs
  54. Religious speech
  55. Repair shops, machinery
  56. Repair shops, manual work
  57. Reptiles
  58. Resonating sounds
  59. Restaurants, indoors
  60. Restaurants, outdoors, terraces
  61. Revue
  62. Revue
  63. Revue
  64. Rhythm and blues
  65. Rhythm and blues
  66. Rhythm and blues
  67. Rifles
  68. Ringing
  69. Rivers
  70. Roaring wind
  71. Rock
  72. Rock
  73. Rock
  74. Rock steady
  75. Rock steady
  76. Rock steady
  77. Rockabilly
  78. Rockabilly
  79. Rockabilly
  80. Rockets
  81. Rodents
  82. Rodents
  83. Roller skates, skateboards
  84. Rolling
  85. Rolling
  86. Rolling
  87. Rolling
  88. Romance
  89. Romance
  90. Romance
  91. Rondo
  92. Rondo
  93. Rondo
  94. Rowboats and canoes
  95. Rubbing and scraping
  96. Rubbing and scraping
  97. Rubbing and whistling
  98. Rumba
  99. Rumba
  100. Rumba
  101. Rumbling and thumping
  102. Rustling
  103. Rustling and rattling
  104. Rustling and rattling