Detail view


Contributor:Thornhill, Clauderole: Artist
Contributor:Thornhill, Clauderole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Napton, Johnnyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Carisi, Johnrole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Roland, Generole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Langstaff, Allanrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Cox, Lylerole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Polo, Dannyrole: Musician
Instrument: Klarinett
Contributor:Thirlkeld, Johnrole: Musician
Instrument: Altsaxofon
Contributor:Rollo, Mariorole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Moore, Brewrole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Bushey, Billrole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Galbraith, Barryrole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Collins, Juniorrole: Musician
Instrument: Franskt horn
Contributor:Sussman, Arole: Musician
Instrument: Franskt horn
Contributor:Shulman, Joerole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Exiner, Billyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Speights, Charlesrole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Katzman, Leerole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Etter, Charlesrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Antonucci, Alrole: Musician
Instrument: Franskt horn
Contributor:Siegelstein, Sandyrole: Musician
Instrument: Franskt horn
Contributor:Scott, Tomrole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:McKusick, Halrole: Musician
Instrument: Altsaxofon
Contributor:Andrews, Johnrole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Massingill, Johnrole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Derise, Joerole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:RCArole: Record Label
Date:1900-talet evt/1940-taletVocabulary: dmEras
Entity Type:Album

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